Weekly posts on sexuality, parenting, marriage, identity, desires and the Church


A brief overview of how our sexuality reflects the glory of our Three-in-One God


A look at the content of our “teaching your children godly sexuality” workshops.

Welcome to Godly Sexuality

We were created in the image of God and so our sexuality is theographic not pornographic.  I want to help restore what has been distorted by the world and help parents impart a godly view of sexuality to their children.

I blog and write on sexuality, marriage, parenting, identity, desires and the Church.


Brief answers to the question “What is Godly sexuality about?”



Additional resources for godly sexuality books

The Latest From the Blog

CEO or Father (godly children)

CEO or Father (godly children)

God is not a CEO of a company with a limited number of positions that we all have to compete for. He is a Father that delights in the uniqueness of each of His children.

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Top 10 posts of 2016

Top 10 posts of 2016

When I started the godly sexuality blog I sought to share the revelation that God had been giving me on my journey to wholeness…I am so grateful for the many messages from readers who have benefited from my writings and my vulnerability.

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Parenting with faith or fear (godly parenting)

Parenting with faith or fear (godly parenting)

A couple of weekends ago I took my son on a dads & lads weekend.  Since the car journey was about 4 hours to get to the activity centre I brought some conversation starter questions with me. One of them was "what is something I always say to you?" His reply to me...

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Teach Your Children Godly Sexuality

A brief guide on how to communicate sexuality in a godly way to your children. 

Planned release 2018

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