Weekly posts on sexuality, parenting, marriage, identity, desires and the Church


A brief overview of how our sexuality reflects the glory of our Three-in-One God


A look at the content of our “teaching your children godly sexuality” workshops.

Welcome to Godly Sexuality

We were created in the image of God and so our sexuality is theographic not pornographic.  I want to help restore what has been distorted by the world and help parents impart a godly view of sexuality to their children.

I blog and write on sexuality, marriage, parenting, identity, desires and the Church.


Brief answers to the question “What is Godly sexuality about?”



Additional resources for godly sexuality books

The Latest From the Blog

Dealing with bad language (godly parenting)

Dealing with bad language (godly parenting)

  *CONTENT WARNING* This post will use the bad language that one of my children said. The purpose is that you can experience the horror but still see how to respond in a godly way. "I have to teach you a great new card game the boys taught me at my camp!" my eldest...

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Teach Your Children Godly Sexuality

A brief guide on how to communicate sexuality in a godly way to your children. 

Planned release 2018

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