Children, buffets and the infinite resources of heaven (godly children)
Are my children being selfish and not thinking of others? Or is it that they simply have no concept of food running out?
Using story to communicate truth (godly parenting)
Facts are dry and don’t engage the heart whereas stories draw you in and teach concepts in a much deeper way than ever “objective” facts could hope to do.
Clickbait Bible (part 3)
Here’s 4 more Clickbait Bible memes. Enjoy.
Good or the best (not the bible)
Don’t let the good distract you from the best.
Joseph, righteousness and Christ (Not the Bible)
Had Joseph kept the letter of the law, he would have stoned Mary and have killed Jesus with her.
Christian TidePod memes (Not the Bible)
Here are the 10 Christian tide pod memes that I’ve created and others I’ve found online.
The Florida Shooting: WWJD (godly church)
Let us not be so insensitive that we don’t “mourn with those who mourn” but let us also not be so inoffensive that we waste a golden opportunity to share the Gospel.