Welcome to the webpage of blogger, author and speaker, John Spencer. Choose a category of writing below.
The Irony of the Parable of the Good Samaritan
I’ve heard too many sermons about we should be like the Good Samaritan, which is the complete opposite of the meaning of the parable!
Let the children come to me (Not the Bible)
Jesus said, “Let the children come to me the crèche and do not let them hinder us, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to us adults.” The Ungospel of Matthew 19:14 In Hebrew culture, which was primarily rural in nature, children were considered a blessing. They helped...
Children, buffets and the infinite resources of heaven (godly children)
Are my children being selfish and not thinking of others? Or is it that they simply have no concept of food running out?
Peter and the Great Catch of Fish (Not the Bible)
Had Peter not been desperate He wouldn’t have experienced Jesus’ working in His life. He wouldn’t have fallen to His knees and left everything and followed Him.
Who decides the life of Alfie Evans? (Godly parenting)
Who gets decide the life of children: The State or the parents? Or is this a false dichotomy?
The parable of the prodigal cow (Not the Bible)
One of the Christian anon gang on Twitter challenged me to write story about the calf in the prodigal son and this is the result.