This webpage gives an outline of the workshop “teach your children godly sexuality” together with links to the relevant blog posts.
This will be released as a book in 2018.

“In a society where our children are regularly exposed to a fallen worldview of sexuality and where too often, their main source of information on the subject is through the mainstream media or through peers equally exposed to such media, this course aims to equip parents to address this subject with their children in a natural way and through a relational approach. I would highly recommend it to parents of young children and teenagers and parents to be, as well as , recommend it to Church and youth leaders”
“Really great stuff! In a world where there is so much brokenness & damage, encouraging people to focus on God’s plan for healing & wholeness through Jesus, especially in this area is excellent….I think the way you focus on communication is a vital key to promoting positive relationships with our kids. You’ve provided strong, biblical basis for all your teaching & have given practical ways to apply it too. I really believe that you’ve heard God’s heart.”
Click on the titles below to be taken to the blog entries

The four principles of teaching your children godly sexuality

God created it and declared it very good
Our sexuality is good because it reflects the:
Our sexuality images our holy God
Our sexuality is holy because it reflects the:
God has called parents to be the primary communicators of his ways (Dt 6:7)

Applying these principles to the questions children ask